Thursday, September 18, 2014

Top 5 Shed Organization Hacks for Your Outdoor Man Cave

Are you looking for mundane or ho-hum tricks to manage the limited space you have available in you shed? 

You're looking for brilliance! Well, we may not have brilliance but we do have a few good ideas you may not have thought of in this simple but informative blog entry; The top 5 shed organization hacks for your outdoor man cave.

1) Shelves Are a No-Brainer
Now shelves aren't so far up on the brilliance scale. You've thought of those already. But how useful are they really? Are they sturdy enough to hold all your stuff without wobbling? If they're not all that sturdy, consider screwing them to the wall. Why not? It's your shed, and everything in it, right down to the shelves should be as useful as it can be. Furthermore, make sure they're not so tall you can't use the top shelf. If they are, start thinking skinny and flat. We're sure you can come up with few of those items to stick up there.

2) Install a Tool Hanger or Two
Tool hangers to hang those pesky rakes and shovels from are just smart. If you install one of these hanger, long gone are the days of leaning them in the corner only to have to struggle to get the one you need. As well, how many times have you caught a toe on a rake only to have it knock everything else over or swing out to practically smack you in the head?

3) Peg Boards Are a Big Plus
Peg boards are so versatile since you can buy a lot of different types of hangers to plug into them. Plus, as the things you store on peg boards will change over time, you can move the hangers around to fit it all without a hitch or a hassle.

4) Wind up Cords and Hoses
Although your hose reel may be handy sitting in the yard, it takes up quite a bit of floor space in your shed. Consider a wall mount system that holds them tight against the wall. Your hose will be just as handy if you really need it during the fall and winter months. Furthermore, extension cords can be hung in the same way without getting tangled. Think about it, when you need an extension cord, you need it now. It wastes a bunch of time trying to untangle it and get the knots out just so you can string a light under your car or power up a saw for a quick cut with your saw.

5) Can You Do the Can-Can?
We bet you can. But we're not talking about dancing here. Most guys think of trash cans are only useful for trash. However, have you thought about using them for storing bagged items like pet food and bedding or driveway oil-dry? Or how about sidewalk salt, grass seed, lawn fertilizer or charcoal briquettes for the grill. You get the point. Anything that comes in a bag can be tossed in a can or bucket to make it less of a mess to deal with and take a lot less space.

Floor Space Is at a Premium
No matter how big your shed is, floor space is always going to be at a premium once you stick your hunting gear, golf clubs, lawn mower, motorcycles and ATV's inside. But think about it; if you get all the little stuff up off the floor and out of your way, you'll have tons of room for the big stuff. Who knows, with a little planning you may even have room for a comfy chair to sit on while you watch the game and enjoy a cold one after all the honey-do's are done for the day.

If you'd like more room for all the stuff you need to keep outdoors, contact us. We'll be more than happy to show you how we can help you get a lot more space in your outdoor man-cave.

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